Commitment to Integrity & ​Ethical Values

The organisation is committed to practising high standard of integrity and ethical values in its business operations guided by the integrity framework approved by the Board of Directors. Practising integrity and ethical behaviours ensures transparent, just and fair business decisions.

Effective Risk Management & Internal Control

Mitigate the risks or events with significant adverse impact on the achievement of the Group's objectives and strategies in order to provide assurance against material financial misstatement and management information and records, or against financial losses or fraud.

The Group's risk management and internal control framework will be constantly reviewed to ensure the systems' adequacy to address the challenges and changes.

Board Leadership & Effectiveness

The role of the Board is to promote and protect the interests of the Company and the Group (i.e. the shareholders and stakeholders of each member of the Group). The Board shoulders the ultimate responsibility of determining the direction of the Group, thereby ensuring the long-term success of the Group and the delivery of sustainable value to its stakeholders. The Board provides thought leadership and advice in finetuning corporate strategies, championing good governance and ethical practices, and ensures the effective execution of these strategies.

Commitment to Integrity & ​Ethical Values


Integrity Framework

Always strive to act with integrity in all its business dealings i.e., prohibits any gifts, meals, or entertainment that could compromise sound judgment or the ability to make objective and fair business decisions. Terengganu Inc has successfully established the following as part of our strong commitment to integrity and ethical values:
i. Establishment of Code of Business Conduct (COBE)
ii. Establishment of Group Anti Bribery & Corruption (ABC) Policy
iii. Establishment of No Gift Policy

Rated as “STABLE” Company by National Audit Department

Rated as STABLE Company by National Audit Department demonstrates the Group’s commitment towards achieving excellence in corporate governance.


Organizational Anti Corruption Plan (OACP)

The Group's committed to further strengthen the corporate governance by the establishment and implementation of OACP.

Effective Risk Management & Internal Control


Shariah Governance Framework

The establishment of Shariah Committee and Shariah Policy guide the Group’s activities to be in line with Shariah Compliance based on three primary characteristics i.e the prohibition of riba, the prohibition of gharar, and the abolition of non-permissible activities.

Cyber Security Risk Management

The Group took initiative in handling global cyber threat through conducting Cyber Security Assessment and strengthening IT infrastructure.

Board Leadership & Effectiveness


Board Charter

The Board of Directors of Terengganu Inc believe that consistent improvement in governance structure and process are vital towards achieving positive business growth and profitability. Our Board Charter sets out the strategic intent and tone for the Group is periodically reviewed to ensure that it remains robust and continuously updated in accordance with applicable laws.